level 360

CRank: 5Score: 113220

Its not Wal-Marts job to decide which format ( HD-DVD, Blu-Ray players ) should be at the top. Their main focus is on selling products ( that are on demand w/ the times ) and are valued by their customers. It's only practical for them to make deals with a lot of companies that they think could make them ( some, a lot of ) profit over what these manufacturers try to offer them. It's us the consumers' who will decide whatever product we think suits our budgets and lifestyles... Don't you people...

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

...give the guy his due respects for delivering us the mighty PS1, PS2 to play our brains off. It's good for him to retire at his peak w/ the PS3, a good console only plagued by it's unreasonable price, and very low number of titles. Sony badly needs a new guy and with new ideas to get the PS console back w/ the competition...

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing thats making a lot of consumers who bought their last XBox 360 complain and get put-off about - is the fact that MS kept putting out messages on theirs' and a lot of other websites that this supposedly black Xbox ( w/ that vital HDMI connection and bigger hard drive, plus the black color everybodys' been waiting to be released ) are only rumors and would never materialize... and it did, out of nowhere! Which has made a lot of their fans ( some, mostly... ) really mad and frustrated!...

6267d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The Nintendo Wii will outsell both the XBox 360 and the PS3 on it's massively competitive price difference alone, plus it has got the publics' reaction over it's huge and very original inter-active control pads. Plus a lot of games base that are directly pointed for the family environment ( also a lot of the usual titles that are well liked by the XBox and PS crowd ). It's last-gen technology but with a twist and it still works. And has anybody ever heard of any complaints/mechanical failure ...

6267d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is that a screen or some sort of device { gap } I see on top of the ( Ovo - what does it mean? ) console?, hope they built it - looks very sleek and funky. The blue lights and smaller control stalk gives it a cool futuristic touch. Another thing - if ever? they do build this concept, MS should definitely think about putting on all the necessary ( future proofing ) connections, games are no problem w/ XBox as they already have an abundant library of titles, just improve on this machine further...

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only thing that will shape-up the PS3 is for damn Sony to lower the price of it's console. How much longer do we have to wait before they do this? And bring back force feedback as soon as possible while their at it. These are not the games that will shape the PS3, some maybe but not all.

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't see the point comparing this with Motorstorm, two totally different types of game only the tracks of dirt being their only similarity.

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If not from this manufacturer, definitely from another. And it will be good, as this will drive the price of mainstream HD-DVD, Blu-Ray players at a more appreciable levels, so average consumers get to afford this sort of new technology.

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They'ved specifically built this machine to all anal-retentive fanboys out there, those who just had to have all the un-necessary gadgets and gizmos but did'nt realize they already had them ( important ones ) in the first place. And to take a bit of sales away from the PS3 along the way

6268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Other manufacturers of this sort of competitively priced ( cheap ) HD-DVD or Blu-Ray players will flood the market sooner than anyone can think... not years, but months.

6268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The great Miss Lara Croft ( Tomb Raider ) was'nt even on the list - at least third or fourth place from Pong ( 26 ) which deservedly has to be the No.1 game of all time followed by Space Invaders or Mario games., they also forgot the real Mr.Colin McRae, cult-classic rallye ace driver and the game that bears his name? Technically superior GranTurismo ( 48 )? you'ved gotta be kidding. Sure is the sign of the times that a game that glorifies/romanticizes crime and violence is on the top spot -...

6270d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

... for Sony and other big brands, if they could see this on their websites. The sooner the better this happens, we'll eventually get hold of cheaper deals on the PS3 at a faster rate.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This will eventually happen. Good news to us average consumers', now we'll get better deals and more choices that will suit our budgets. Hopefully if it does happen, that they can combine the features of HD-DVD and Blu-ray compatibility on one player and w/ all the necessary connections at a competitive price... That will be great.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hope this comes out on the XBox 360 as well, good one Ferrari.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's just the way it is... and the really cheap and no-name brands from the East ( mostly from China ) has'nt even been released on the market ( wait till you get hold of this... ), and their definitely going to drive the prices way down further and that will make a very big impact on the other big brands to offer us a better deal/choice. Good for us average consumers', because frankly we don't care who's going to win HD-DVD, Blu-ray or both. Price is the biggest factor that will drive the ...

6271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's good they'ved based some of the connecting storyline on the movie which has been out on the shops. Now I'm just hoping this game also comes out on the other platforms ( XBox & PS2?, or XBox 360 & PS3? ). Seems like they added some new features as well ( corpes' organs - dissection?... ) what else?

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only machine which is close in specification that is comparable are the PS3 and the XBox 360. With the PC ( which is not definitely ugly, an elephant yes - in terms of the upgrades involved depending on the users' budgets... ) is on a different league of it's own same as the WII, which is more of the same as last-gen console ( PS2, XBox ) but correctly so w/ a twist.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's good news, bringing back force feedback on the 6ax6 control pads and hopefully soon. Now just bring down the price of the PS3 and put in more games and that'll do for us here in Australia.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just keeps getting better and better. The last PGR( 3 ) did'nt even look like it was a rush job to begin with, fantastic gameplay, ( the best - and i think has set the bar/standard for ) in-car camera view, loads of automobile, standard force feedback from control pads. This game is pure joy!

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's very noticable are the fantastic looking and well thought-out backgrounds to hide, manoeuvre, trap your opponents. New gears/equipments are an added plus. Things are looking really bright for Halo HD.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment